Tuesday, August 19, 2008


This extraordinary structure on Montrose Boulevard took motorists by surprise. A pair of artists, Dan Havel and Dean Ruck was responsible for this house installation. The two wooden buildings were to be replaced by a new built project so the few months before the demolition, they made this into an architectonic installation. These photos were taken by Kevin O Mara and you can check them out at Flickr.

Honsetly it looks like I was playing baseball outside, and my massive ass strengeth bent gravity and hit the house. Thats what I can do. Seriously, its kinda freaky that I'm that strong. Like Stallone in the movie OVER THE TOP. THAT STRONG. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch this.



Nolita said...

this is siiiiiiiiick..... :)

Porreca said...

i love this justin

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